About - Pandektes

About Pandektes

At Pandektes, we're a diverse team of talented individuals merging technology and law to transform legal research.

We are driven by our passion to make a difference in society and our belief that technology can improve the justice system.


Pandektes' vision is to become the leading platform for legal information search, enabling users to obtain in-depth and accurate legal knowledge in a precise, efficient, and user-friendly manner.

With the increasing amount of legislation and case law, legal professionals are required to navigate more data than ever before. Pandektes is designed to simplify this process using artificial intelligence, intelligent search functions, and updated legal sources, including comprehensive EU data.

approved yearly with transposition to 27 Member States
~80 EU directives
approved yearly that automatically and uniformly apply to all EU countries
~1200 EU regulations
made yearly addressing one, some or all Member States
~700 EU decisions




    Pandektes ApSB!NGS Vesterbrogade 149,Bygning 12, 5. sal1620 København VVAT DK 43620002
    Bank details
    NYKREDIT A/SReg: 8117Account: 1521564IBAN: DK8581170001521564BIC (SWIFT): NYKBDKKK

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