Pandektes welcomes Sigrid to the team - Blog

BlogPandektes welcomes Sigrid to the teamJune 25, 2024  —  2 min read
"Jonas No Sjølund Profile Picture"

Jonas No Sjølund

Operations Manager

We would like to welcome our newest student and Legal Data Specialist, Sigrid. Sigrid is a law student at the University of Copenhagen and is in the process of completing her 4th semester of the bachelor's program.

Sigrid studies law primarily due to her love for tinkering with languages. We're confident that she'll have a positive impact on our legal data collection, where quality and attention to detail are paramount. Additionally, Sigrid was interested in being part of a fast-paced start-up environment, where it’s possible to try a wide array of tasks.

Alongside Pandektes and her studies, Sigrid works as a study mentor, where she among other things helps troubled youth organize their homework, to make the homework as manageable as possible.

We're convinced that Sigrid will have a positive impact in the team, both socially and professionally.

Welcome to the Pandektes team, Sigrid!

Sigrid B. Christiansen

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